Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Five most innovative UK Kickstarter projects


As Kickstarter UK breaks the £2 million mark for crowdsourced funding since its launch a month ago, Jennifer O'Mahony takes a look at five of the best projects on the British version of the site. 

Right now on Kickstarter, the following five projects are seeking funding or have already been successful in attracting tens of thousands of pounds, from bamboo underwear to bakeries and bear-fighting computer games. 

The community bakery in Liverpool
Ladies retro- available in all colours.What: "We are a group of Anfield residents working to re-open our local bakery in community ownership, in a part of Liverpool where the community has lost many of its resources and amenities. Our neighbourhood, home of the famous Liverpool Football Club, has been caught up in regeneration politics for nearly 15 years. 
Bamboo underwear
What: "Using art, bamboo, recycled paper and empowerment, we intend to make the rather bland luxury underwear market interesting". - Hamish Lawson, project creator.
Poster Option 1

The hipster computer game that involves beating up bears
What: "Fist of Awesome is a time-travelling-lumberjack-em-up, a sorely underrepresented genre by anyone's metric. It's a modern homage to classics like Streets of Rage and Final Fight, but with more time travel and lumberjacks.
"The hero, Tim Burr, is a forest dwelling tree feller who gets caught up in a needlessly complex interstellar plot to enslave Earth by populating history with homicidal wild animals The game takes place over a number of time periods, features original 2D art and animation throughout, and is to my knowledge, the only game that lets you punch a full grown grizzly bear in the face." - Nicoll Hunt, project creator

The tea truck improving the Londoner's daily brew
What: "Our choices as tea drinkers are limited to one or two types, produced from a box of bags on top of the coffee machine, the same brand of which you have in your cupboard at home. There’s no magic; there’s no theatre. Instead, in exchange for our hard-earned cash, we are presented with a curiously-frothy cup of not-quite-hot-enough water with a bag hidden somewhere in the murky depths.
"That’s what I wanted to change, by offering fellow tea-drinkers the same quality experience that my coffee-junkie friends currently enjoy. A Good & Proper cup of tea....finally." - Emilie Holmes, project creator

The ostrich head pillow
What: "Ostrich Pillow is a revolutionary new product to enable easy power naps anytime, everywhere, Ostrich Pillow‘s unique design offers a micro environment in which to take a cosy and comfortable power nap at ease". - Kawamura Ganjavian, project creator

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