The Yolo is based on Intel's reference design from CES, with a 3.5-inch screen and 1.2GHz processor; if it follows the specs we saw there, it'll have a pretty minimal 320 x 240 display and dual SIM support. According to a reviewer at Techweez, who also took the photo above, the phone runs Ice Cream Sandwich and supports HSPA+. Intel's chips can offer longer battery life without sacrificing performance, though we found Lexington sluggish at CES. The company is targeting developing markets with Lexington, sidestepping the problems with LTE support it's encountered elsewhere. The Yolo will sell for 10,999 Kenyan shillings, or about $125. There's no word on whether it will start showing up in other countries in the future, though Intel said at CES that multiple companies were working on Lexington phones.
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