What Your Score Means
If you score 18 or below, you have a high temper threshold, and are able to stay calm in situations which would frustrate many others. This helps you manage your stress levels.
If you score 19-27, you get angry about as often as most people. To reduce your score, practice the hints below.
If you score 28-35, you might be under too much stress, or getting angry may be a habit. Take this score seriously, and begin to make changes now, before it affects your health.
If you score over 35, and you continue with your behaviors and attitudes, you risk serious stress-related disease. Work your way down the list below and take the test again. Repeat until your score is in the normal range. It may help to speak to a counselor about other ways to deal with your anger.
Hints That Help
You'll be happier and easier to live with if you try these hints every day:
Say "I was wrong" to someone.
Think about when and where you learned your reactions to anger.
Spend 10 minutes sitting in a park or garden.
Laugh at a joke, situation or yourself.
Read something for pleasure.
Avoid doing two things at once (such as eating and reading).
Try to relax and gain perspective on your life.
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